

Hello, Internet.

I’m Lisa, a 29 year old social worker and geek / nerd / scifi and fantasy connoisseur.  I used to write for SciFiGuy.ca but took some time off when I got promoted at work, because I have a hard time with time management and fatigue, which is part of my depression and anxiety.  I was starting to feel overwhelmed working the 9-5 and then coming home and reading / writing for my reviews, and being pressed for deadlines there as well as at work.  After a couple of years focusing on my geriatric social work and planning my wedding, I am now a happily married geek and I feel like I have more time to devote to writing and blogging.  You wouldn’t believe the weight that comes off your shoulders after planning and executing a wedding pretty much by yourself.  Well, just imagine a whole year where all of your free time is devoted to crafting, organizing, making phone calls, interviewing and booking vendors, and spending every last dollar of your excess income (which isn’t much, trust me) on all of this stuff.  It was stressful, and a rough year financially – but my husband and I did it together, and we paid for our approximately $8,000 wedding out of pocket with no debt left at the end of the day.  However, we did have to forgo our SciFi conventions for the year, which was hard to do!  Conventions are our mutual hobby, so it was a hard thing to give up for a whole year.  I’m sure we’ll be making up for it , so expect some convention reporting from yours truly!

My goal with this blog is to provide reviews of current Scifi and Fantasy shows airing on TV and Netflix, as well as the occasional film and convention report.  I also want this to be a place I can talk about my life and my struggles, because the more I read blog posts from other female writers on the internet the more I realize that I’m not as alone as I’ve felt my whole life when it comes to my struggles with mental illness, my feelings of being different and my difficulties just dealing with being a woman in our society.  I wish I had known when I was eighteen and in college that there was a community of people out there facing the same fears, the same insecurities and the same doubts.  I went through a lot of hard times in college, and I went through all of it pretty much alone.  My hope is that by making  some small contribution to the blogging community I can help others see that they’re not alone and that no matter what you’re going through, you can survive it and better yourself.  It does get better, and whatever you are experiencing, there’s someone out there experiencing it too.

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